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All songs written and performed by Caitlin Glennon - guitars, keys, vocals

Production by Svend Nielsen and Caitlin Glennon

Lead guitar on 2, 4, 6, 9, 10 & 11 - Alex Kenivel

Bass - Svend Nielsen

Drums - Max Saidi


Vocals recorded by Randy Rood

Recorded and mixed by Svend Nielsen at Mathphobia

Mastered by Justin Weis at Trakworx

Album art and cover photo by Svend Nielsen

Special thanks to Vincent Wojno


This album is dedicated to artists everywhere.


 & © 2016 Caitlin Glennon. All rights reserved.


Digital Booklet - Separate Grooves
9 - page digital booklet with lyrics, credits, and photos
Digital Booklet - Separate Grooves.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.1 MB